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Chargeback Reason Code 93: Visa Fraud Monitoring Program

Visa chargeback reason code 93 falls under the Visa Fraud Monitoring Program (VFMP). This code is used to identify fraudulent transactions that exceed acceptable thresholds established by Visa. Here’s a detailed explanation of what causes it and how to prevent or mitigate it:

Causes of Chargeback Reason Code 93

  1. High Fraud Activity: When a merchant’s transactions have a high percentage of fraud compared to other merchants in their category or region, Visa may flag them under the VFMP.
  2. Exceeding Fraud Thresholds: Visa sets specific thresholds for fraud activity. If a merchant’s fraud ratio exceeds these thresholds, it can trigger reason code 93.
  3. Monitoring and Reporting: Visa continuously monitors merchants for fraud. If patterns or trends indicate an increased risk, Visa can apply this reason code to affected transactions.

Preventing and Mitigating Chargeback Reason Code 93

  1. Implement Strong Fraud Prevention Tools:
    • Use Advanced Fraud Detection Software: Employ tools that use machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect and prevent fraud.
    • 3D Secure Authentication: Implement 3D Secure (e.g., Verified by Visa) to add an additional layer of security during online transactions.
  2. Regularly Monitor Transactions:
    • Analyze Transaction Data: Continuously monitor and analyze your transaction data to identify and respond to suspicious activities promptly.
    • Use Alerts and Notifications: Set up alerts for high-risk transactions or unusual purchase patterns.
  3. Maintain Updated Security Protocols:
    • PCI Compliance: Ensure that your systems are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
    • Secure Payment Gateways: Use secure payment gateways that offer encryption and tokenization to protect sensitive data.
  4. Educate and Train Staff:
    • Fraud Awareness Training: Train your staff to recognize and respond to fraudulent activities.
    • Customer Verification Procedures: Implement strict customer verification procedures, especially for high-value transactions.
  5. Communicate with Your Payment Processor:
    • Regular Reviews: Regularly review your fraud prevention strategies with your payment processor and make necessary adjustments.
    • Request Assistance: If you’re experiencing high levels of fraud, seek assistance from your payment processor for additional support and tools.
  6. Maintain Good Record-Keeping:
    • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all transactions, including customer communication and delivery confirmation.
    • Dispute Management: Be prepared to provide evidence quickly in case of disputes to minimize the impact of chargebacks.
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