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Mastercard Chargeback Reason Code 4849: Questionable Merchant Activity

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What Does Mastercard 4849 Chargeback Reason Code Mean? Mastercard chargeback reason code 4849: Questionable Merchant Activity, shows up when a cardholder or their bank gets a read flag hinting at fraudlent activity from a merchant, like selling fake goods, using misleading ads, or not delivering what was promised. To avoid this, merchants need to be honest in their advertising, make sure they’re selling legitimate products, deliver on their promises, and keep an eye out for any suspicious transaction patterns. Staying transparent and communicating well with customers can help keep everything running smoothly.

Key Details of Chargeback Reason Code 4849: Questionable Merchant Activity

  1. Definition: The cardholder or issuing bank disputes a transaction due to suspicious or potentially fraudulent activities by the merchant.
  2. Common Situations: This chargeback can be used in various scenarios, including, but not limited to:
    • Merchants selling counterfeit or unauthorized goods.
    • Merchants engaging in deceptive marketing or advertising practices.
    • Merchants failing to deliver goods or services as promised.
    • Unusual transaction patterns that suggest fraudulent activity.

Common Causes of 4849: Questionable Merchant Activity

    1. Counterfeit Goods: The merchant sold goods that were counterfeit or unauthorized.
    2. Misleading Advertising: The merchant engaged in deceptive marketing practices, leading customers to believe they were purchasing something different from what was delivered.
    3. Non-Delivery of Goods/Services: The merchant failed to deliver the goods or services promised at the time of purchase.
    4. Fraudulent Activity: The merchant’s transactions exhibited patterns suggestive of fraud, such as unusually high transaction amounts or frequencies.

Resolution Time Frame for Mastercard Reason Code 4849

  • For Customers: They’ve got up to 120 days from the transaction date to dispute it.
  • For Merchants: Merchants usually have up to 45 days to respond with proof that everything is legit.

Preventing or Mitigating Chargeback Reason Code 4849

To prevent or mitigate chargebacks due to questionable merchant activity, merchants can take the following steps:

  1. Sell Genuine Products: Make sure everything you sell is real and legit.
  2. Be Honest in Ads: Clearly describe your products and services. Don’t mislead customers.
  3. Deliver on Promises: Make sure you deliver what you promised, and on time.
  4. Watch for Fraud: Keep an eye on your transactions for any weird patterns.
  5. Stay in Touch with Customers: Communicate with your customers about their orders and resolve issues quickly.
  6. Keep a Good Reputation: Work with your payment processors and banks to maintain a good standing and address any concerns right away.
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