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Decline Code 62: Invalid/restricted service code

The decline code “62: Invalid/restricted service code” on a credit card transaction typically means that the card being used is not authorized for the type of transaction or service being attempted. This could occur for several reasons:

  1. Geographical Restrictions: The card may be restricted from use in certain geographical locations, either domestically or internationally.
  2. Merchant Type Restriction: The card might be restricted from being used at certain types of merchants or for specific types of purchases.
  3. Card Type Limitation: Some cards, like corporate or government cards, often have limitations on where and how they can be used.
  4. Security Measures: The restriction could also be a security measure to prevent unauthorized or fraudulent use of the card.

In such cases, the cardholder should contact their card issuer for more details about the restrictions on their card and how they might be lifted or adjusted.

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